英 [pə'laɪt]美[pə'laɪt]
- adj. 有礼貌的,客气的;文雅的;上流的;优雅的
- Please be polite to our guests.
- 请礼貌待客。
- We were all too polite to object.
- 我们都太客气了,没有反对。
- I don't know how to make polite conversation .
- 我不晓得怎么说应酬话。
- The performance was greeted with polite applause.
- 这场演出得到了礼貌性的掌声。
- ‘Bum ’ is not a word we use in polite company.
- “屁股”可不是我们当着文雅人的面说的字眼。
- Everyone around him was trying to be polite, but you could tell they were all bored...
- 他周围的每一个人都极力表现出彬彬有礼的样子,但能够看出他们都感到厌烦。
- It's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public...
- 在公共场合对陌生人指指点点或议论纷纷都不礼貌。
- Certain words are vulgar and not acceptable in polite society.
- 有些字眼较粗俗,不为上流社会所接受。
- He was quite polite, of course, but somehow I didn't like his manner.
- 当然,他的确还是彬彬有礼的, 但我就是有些不喜欢他的举止.
- It's polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.
- 在公共汽车上给老太太让座是礼貌的.
- At the exits polite assistants will take the goods and add up the cost.
- 在出口处,客气的服务员把你的商品接过去,把价钱加在一起.
- He is very polite to people.
- 他对人很客气.
- His manner was coolly polite and impersonal.
- 他的态度冷淡客气,公事公办.
- The parties to the dispute should be more polite to each other.
- 争执双方应相互礼貌些.
- The man was polite and his general demeanour had the air of a clergyman.
- 那男人彬彬有礼,一举一动都有教士的风度.
- He couched his request in very polite terms.
- 他以非常礼貌的言词表达了自己的要求.
- She is a polite girl.
- 她是一个文雅的姑娘.
- Her manner was polite but remote.
- 她彬彬有礼,却十分冷淡.
- Polite but lukewarm reviews are the kiss of death for a commercial film.
- 客气而不热情的评论只会葬送一部商业影片.
- He pocketed his pride, and said good morning in a polite manner.
- 他克制自尊心, 有礼貌地道了一声“早安”.
- It is polite that she accepts his invitation.
- 她接受他的邀请,这显得她很有礼貌.
- Even though you dislike us, still and all you should be polite.
- 尽管你不喜欢我们, 但你仍然应该有礼貌.
- His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice.
- 他的话虽然很礼貌, 但话中含有不信任的暗示.
- Conversation on such an occasion is not expected to soar above polite commonplaces.
- 不能指望在这种场合的谈话会超越平常的客套.
- Be polite and say " Please " and " Thank you ".
- 要有礼貌,说 “ 请 “, “ 谢谢你 “.
- It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.
- 盯着姑娘的脸瞧是不礼貌的.